Thursday 9 June 2011

Save Our Language

I have been teaching Cree for a number of years now and I discovered that our Cree language needs to be revitalized.  In my community of Split Lake I do not hear any teenagers or children speaking the language any more.  This is a big concern for me, because without our language there is missing identity.  Language transfers how a person behaves in their particular group.  Cree people are very respectful and proud people and without language and culture the children are not being taught all the Cree values and respect.  They will have a hard time being proud of who they are and where they came from.  I believe this is why the children are so troubled.  Children need strong upbringing and guidance to become productive people.  In our communities of long ago, everyone raised the children to be respectful and proud.  I respect people who contribute to the cultural survival of our First Nation's people.  All the power to them and I hope they continue to do this work and give them the strength to continue.  I know from experience that it does require a lot of time, effort and strength to keep going. 
This is one of my heroes, Chief Dan George.
Maybe my fellow followers can add a comment or post a picture of their heroes who work tiredlessly trying to keep our culture alive.

1 comment:

  1. There is something so rich and deep in Chief Dan George's voice. I never tire listening to him speak.
